名人宝宝 海顿·潘妮蒂尔 (Hayden Panettiere) 打破沉默,放弃对女儿监护权的“令人心碎”的决定

海顿·潘妮蒂尔 (Hayden Panettiere) 打破沉默,放弃对女儿监护权的“令人心碎”的决定

  海登·潘妮蒂尔   海顿·潘妮蒂尔 (Hayden Panettiere) 来到弟弟詹森 (Jansen) 身边's celebration of life event in their hometown of Palisades, New York, with her on/off boyfriend Brian Hickerson. The grieving actress wore a colorful bomber jacket and black pants as she attended the memorial at the scenic Palisades Presbyterian Church alongside her mother Lesley Vogel and father Alan ‘Skip’ Panettiere, on Wednesday morning. Jansen’s girlfriend Cat Michie, who has posted a heartfelt tribute to him on social media, was also seen at the venue. ‘Scream, 6’ star Hayden, 33, was expected to speak at the event, which was being held in remembrance of the 28-year-old former child actor, who died last month due to an enlarged heart. A friend of the former actor told officials he'd checked on Jansen at home after he'd failed to show up for a business meeting. Upon arrival, he was found sitting upright in a chair unresponsive. Jansen's dad, Skip, had spoken to his son on the phone just the night before, and thought he "sounded okay." On Wednesday, friends and family came together at the small church which is just a few miles away from Jansen's apartment in Nyack where he was found dead. 08 Mar 2023 Pictured: Brian Hickerson, Hayden Panettiere. Photo credit: MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA953084_001.jpg   她的父亲海顿·潘妮蒂尔 (Hayden Panettiere) 与家人和朋友聚集在纽约尼亚克的帕利塞德长老会教堂庆祝和纪念詹森·潘妮蒂尔 (Jansen Panettiere)。
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图片来源:Elder Ordonez / SplashNews.com
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海顿·潘妮蒂尔 谈到移交女儿监护权 所以 Facebook 视频系列新一集的剪辑 红桌谈话, 9 月 27 日星期二获释。这位 33 岁的女演员承认放弃了监护权 她的小宝贝, 7、对她的前男友 弗拉基米尔·克里琴科 , 46岁,在一段分享的视频中,这对她来说绝对是“心碎” 人们 。 “ 这非常令人沮丧。我的意思是,这是最糟糕的。签署这些文件是我一生中最令人心碎的事情,”她说。


当海登解释如何签署文件将完全监护权交给弗拉基米尔时,她情绪激动。 “文件赋予他完全监护权。我本来打算自己努力,我会变得更好,当我变得更好时,事情可能会改变,她可以来找我,我可以和她一起度过时光,但这并没有发生,”她解释道。

在讨论的早些时候,她似乎提到了她当时面临的困境。海登透露,她在一次酗酒和滥用阿片类药物的过程中与酒精和阿片类药物滥用作斗争。 7月采访 人们 。她说,如果有不同的谈话,放弃监护权可能会有所不同。 “这不是讨论,”她解释道。 “如果他来找我说,‘你知道,我认为因为你现在的处境和你所经历的挣扎,她能在这儿陪我一段时间会很好,’对此,如果我有足够的谈话,我可能会说,‘好吧,这是有道理的。我得到它。我会去那里参观’之类的。”

海登和弗拉基米尔与卡亚一起进行家庭旅行。 (托妮娅·阿特维尔/246paps/MEGA)

尽管放弃女儿的监护权是多么困难,但海登和弗拉基米尔现在似乎拥有牢固的共同抚养关系。卡亚 (Kaya) 和她的父亲住在欧洲,虽然俄罗斯在 2022 年初入侵乌克兰,但海登 (Hayden) 透露,她的女儿一直在 从该国撤离 并且很安全,正如弗拉基米尔那样 为保卫乌克兰而战。

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