名人新闻 芝加哥西区为她 6 岁生日举办了可爱的布拉茨主题生日派对:可爱的视频

芝加哥西区为她 6 岁生日举办了可爱的布拉茨主题生日派对:可爱的视频

  金·卡戴珊   金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 和坎耶·维斯特 (Kanye West) 抵达迈阿密后'make or break' vacation in the Dominican Republic. Their private jet left Punta Cana’s private airfield early Sunday morning. There have been no reports as yeton the state of their marriage although rapper Kanye did post a happy family video at the end of last week. In the short clip, West, 43, clad in a hockey jersey, sings what seems to be a snippet from Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” before hopping out of the golf cart he was riding in and dancing alongside it. Kardashian, who seems to be filming, can be heard laughing in the background. There have been no other sightings of the couple who went to extreme lengths not to be seen during the seven-day trip. They stayed in the luxurious Villa Tartaruga at the exclusive Puntacana Resort & Club. Sources say the rapper "suggested they take a family trip together" amid their marital crisis, which saw Kanye, 43, claim he'd been trying to divorce Kim, 39, for two years back in July. Kim and Kanye's marital problems became public knowledge after the rapper shared private details of their life during his presidential rally in July, including the claim that they considered aborting North. Their make or break vacation comes amid claims North would prefer to live with her dad rather than mom Kim. The couple also shares four-year-old son Saint, two-year-old daughter Chicago and one-year-old son Psalm. After Kanye’s meltdown, where he received visitors ranging from Justin Bieber to Dave Chappelle, West visited a Wyoming hospital after he and Kardashian were seen locked in an intense discussion in a parked car. 09 Aug 2020 Pictured: Kim and Kanye. Photo credit: MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA693381_008.jpg   纽约, NY - 西北位于'big sister mode' as she holds little sister Chicago West's hand while leaving the Ritz Hotel in New York.
Pictured: Chicago West, North West
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Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*   意大利米兰 - *独家* - North West、Saint West(保镖后面)Chicago West 和 Psalm West 以及货架上的 Dolce & Gabbana 西装包离开 Kim's 5 Star Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Milan, Italy wearing Dolce & Gabbana, Yeezy and other designer clothing. Chicago was wearing the latest Unreleased D&G sunglasses and cowgirl boots.
Pictured: North West, Saint West, Chicago West and Psalm West
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芝加哥西 举办了她迄今为止最史诗般的生日派对! 金·卡戴珊 1 月 15 日星期一,我的迷你女儿满 6 岁了,她著名的妈妈在她的几个视频中分享了她家中以布拉茨为主题的派对的一瞥 Instagram 故事 。 43 岁的 Kim 录制了芝加哥和她表弟的录音 梦想卡戴珊 7 岁,穿着可爱的服装走在可爱的 T 台上。 “有史以来最可爱的@bratz 时装秀!!!”金在剪辑旁边写道。她还发布了一段芝加哥吹灭她粉红色心形生日蛋糕上蜡烛的视频,并写道:“我的宝贝女儿六岁了!!”

SKIMS 创始人,分享一切 她的四个孩子 与前任 肯伊·韦斯特 ,全力以赴庆祝芝加哥的生日。正如视频中所见,在跑道周围展示了模仿芝加哥的布拉茨剪纸娃娃,并在跑道周围展示了粉色气球。还有“Chi's Fashion Floats”菜单,口味包括草莓、冰棒、根汁汽水、可乐和樱桃可乐。派对上的每个人都为芝加哥唱了“生日快乐”,芝加哥在她的大日子里穿着一件带有羽毛的粉红色连衣裙。

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芝加哥西部 (@chicagawest) 分享的帖子

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芝加哥西部 (@chicagawest) 分享的帖子

在生日狂欢之前,Kim 发布了一条 衷心的敬意 在 Instagram 上向她最小的女儿致意。这位真人秀明星分享了两人在卡戴珊家族的照片 平安夜派对 十二月,以及她在生日那天向芝加哥致敬的甜蜜信息。

“芝加哥六岁生日快乐!老实说,我不太了解抚养一个摩羯座女孩会是什么样子,但你让这一切变得如此简单、有趣和愚蠢!”金写道。 “我已经看到了你内心的决心和野心。你是如此聪明、可爱、愚蠢,对你周围的每个人都很可爱,尤其是你的表兄弟姐妹!看到你们在一起以及部落之间存在的所有爱真是太神奇了。我非常爱你 Chi Chi,简直不敢相信你已经 6 岁了! 🩷我非常非常非常高兴能成为你的妈妈!”她补充道。

克里斯·詹纳 还发布了一个 爱心致敬 她生日那天去芝加哥。 “祝我的天使派琪琪生日快乐!!!!”克里斯在她孙女的照片旁边写道。 “你从内到外都是一个如此美丽的女孩,你的微笑照亮了每个人的一天!!!!你们是最棒的孙女、女儿、姐妹、表弟、侄女和朋友,你们是如此善良、可爱、聪明、有创造力、慷慨、有爱心,并给予最好的拥抱!你是我们生命中的祝福,我可爱的女孩,我爱你到月球来回。”

除了芝加哥之外,金还是大女儿的妈妈 , 10, 和儿子 、 8 和 诗篇 , 4. 第三季 葫芦的 卡戴珊家族 ,金敞开心扉谈论 共同抚养她的孩子有多困难 与 46 岁的 Kanye 一起。 Kim 在首播集中表示,她不会讨论前夫的“恶作剧”,因为她想 “保护她的孩子。” SKKN By Kim 创始人还分享说,她花了“好几个小时”在 Kanye 身后“清理”,而 Kanye 本来应该这样做。 公开爆发 或者 争议 。

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