名人新闻 弗兰·德雷舍 (Fran Drescher) 在遭到强烈反对后直言金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 自拍照:那是“工作”,而不是“乐趣”

弗兰·德雷舍 (Fran Drescher) 在遭到强烈反对后直言金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 自拍照:那是“工作”,而不是“乐趣”

  弗兰·德瑞雪 金·卡戴珊   金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 成为亿万富翁后,在格罗夫 (Grove) 宣传她的 SKIMS 快闪店,购买 SKIMS 时会赠送冰淇淋。 2021 年 4 月 7 日 图为:金·卡戴珊。照片来源:APEX / MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342(Mega Agency TagID:MEGA744799_001.jpg   Alani Nu 与 Kim Kardashian 合作推出 Alani by Kim K。由企业家和影响者 Katy Hearn 创立的著名健康与保健品牌 Alani Nu 宣布与多才多艺的企业家和名人 Kim Kardashian 建立开创性的合作伙伴关系。此次合作“Alani by Kim K”推出了一款名为“Kimade”的独家限量版能量饮料,它为经典口味草莓柠檬水带来了清爽的风味。, 与 Kim Kardashian's creative input coupled with Alani Nu's continued growing success in the health and wellness industry, Kimade was created to offer a new seasonal energy drink flavor in the brand's marquee product line featuring a minimalistic can design. , , "We are thrilled to collaborate with Kim, who is such an amazing female powerhouse and entrepreneur," said Founder, Katy Hearn. "Kim's dedication to both her family and creating innovative brands perfectly align with our brand values, making this partnership such a natural fit. We are so excited for everyone to try this flavor, which we know is going to be one of our best yet!", , Each 12 oz. can of Kimade Energy Drinks contain 200mg of caffeine, zero sugar, B Vitamins, Biotin and only 10 calories. This delightfully refreshing beverage is also vegan and gluten-free. Known for delivering flavor packed products, Kimade was crafted to offer a punch of sweet strawberries with a blend of tart, freshly squeezed lemonade., , The highly anticipated Alani by Kim K collaboration will launch on Monday, July 17 at 12 PM ET with Kimade. The beverage will initially be sold exclusively on AlaniNu.com for .99 per 12 pack along with limited-edition Alani by Kim K merchandise. Kimade Energy Drinks will also be rolling into national retailers including Walmart, Target, Kroger Family Stores, GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe as well as international retailers later this Summer., , For more information, please visit www.alaninu.com and stay up to date on additional brand n   Alani Nu 与 Kim Kardashian 合作推出 Alani by Kim K。由企业家和影响者 Katy Hearn 创立的著名健康与保健品牌 Alani Nu 宣布与多才多艺的企业家和名人 Kim Kardashian 建立开创性的合作伙伴关系。此次合作“Alani by Kim K”推出了一款名为“Kimade”的独家限量版能量饮料,它为经典口味草莓柠檬水带来了清爽的风味。, 与 Kim Kardashian's creative input coupled with Alani Nu's continued growing success in the health and wellness industry, Kimade was created to offer a new seasonal energy drink flavor in the brand's marquee product line featuring a minimalistic can design. , , "We are thrilled to collaborate with Kim, who is such an amazing female powerhouse and entrepreneur," said Founder, Katy Hearn. "Kim's dedication to both her family and creating innovative brands perfectly align with our brand values, making this partnership such a natural fit. We are so excited for everyone to try this flavor, which we know is going to be one of our best yet!", , Each 12 oz. can of Kimade Energy Drinks contain 200mg of caffeine, zero sugar, B Vitamins, Biotin and only 10 calories. This delightfully refreshing beverage is also vegan and gluten-free. Known for delivering flavor packed products, Kimade was crafted to offer a punch of sweet strawberries with a blend of tart, freshly squeezed lemonade., , The highly anticipated Alani by Kim K collaboration will launch on Monday, July 17 at 12 PM ET with Kimade. The beverage will initially be sold exclusively on AlaniNu.com for .99 per 12 pack along with limited-edition Alani by Kim K merchandise. Kimade Energy Drinks will also be rolling into national retailers including Walmart, Target, Kroger Family Stores, GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe as well as international retailers later this Summer., , For more information, please visit www.alaninu.com and stay up to date on additional brand n
图片来源:George Pimentel/Shutterstock for SAG Awards/Frank Micelotta/PictureGroup for Hulu/Shutterstock

弗兰·德雷舍尔 想要澄清一件事:她与 金·卡戴珊 在 杜嘉班纳时装秀 这周在意大利是为了工作,而不是为了好玩。这位 65 岁的 SAG-AFTRA 主席是在向那些愤怒地批评她的同事们发表讲话时发表上述言论的。 SAG-AFTRA 新闻发布会 7 月 13 日,星期四,工会结束后几个小时 开始了历史性的罢工 。 “那不是自拍照,”她强调道。 “我是一家时装公司的品牌大使,Kim 也是。在拍那张宣传照之前我才见过金几秒钟。”查看有问题的自拍照 这里

“这与参加聚会或玩乐无关——这绝对是工作,”弗兰补充道。 “我们工作。这就是我们所做的。”她还表示,她一直在与 SAG-AFTRA 董事会保持沟通,包括晚上 10:30 的沟通。时装秀之后。 “如果我因为在飞机上而无法联系到他们,我会在整个飞行过程中不断地给他们发短信,”她说。弗兰进一步阐述了她的观点,她说她“在三个不同的时区全天候工作”,因为她还必须随时照顾父母的“福祉”,而他们住在佛罗里达州。

弗兰·德雷舍 (Fran Drescher) 和金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 目前都在与杜嘉班纳 (Dolce and Gabbana) 合作(照片:George Pimentel/Shutterstock for SAG Awards/Frank Micelotta/PictureGroup for Hulu/Shutterstock)

新闻发布会前一天晚上,即 7 月 12 日星期三,SAG-AFTRA 曾开始对好莱坞最大的制片厂发起罢工。他们加入美国作家协会 (WGA) 已经 11 周了 它的罢工 反对电影和电视制片人联盟。这是 63 年来第一次,两个工会都 已经罢工 同时地。

SAG-AFTRA 成员在猛烈抨击 保姆 在意大利亮相后成为明星。 “当我们正在进行谈判并即将罢工时,我的工会主席在意大利感到寒冷,” 潜伏:最后一把钥匙 演员 柯克·阿塞韦多 发推文 7 月 11 日。“我们要求制片厂给予更好的补偿,弗兰·德雷舍 (Fran Drescher) 在意大利抢镜头。光学看起来太糟糕了。” 佩里·梅森 演员 埃里克·兰格 添加(通过 人们 ),“令人惊讶的是,在可能发生的罢工前夕,当人们失去家园、医疗保险等时,你却在意大利与金一起狂欢。令人震惊且站不住脚。”此后他删除了这条推文。

然而,SAG-AFTRA 董事会支持 Fran 出席此次活动。 “Drescher 总裁在意大利担任杜嘉班纳 (Dolce & Gabbana) 品牌大使。这是谈判委员会充分了解的承诺,”SAG-AFTRA 在一份声明中表示 种类 6月10日。“她每天都在亲自或通过视频会议进行谈判。德雷舍尔总统要管理跨越三个时区的体力要求很高的日程安排,每天监督谈判和现场工作,并满足她父母在[佛罗里达州]的需求。她将返回美国,并将于明天(7 月 11 日)抵达洛杉矶,并继续主持我们的谈判。”

SAG-AFTRA 主席弗兰·德雷舍 (Fran Drescher) 猛烈抨击鲍勃·艾格 (Bob Iger) 的“令人反感”的罢工言论:“如果我是那家公司,我会把他锁在门后,绝不让他与任何人谈论这件事,因为这件事太明显了,他根本不知道自己在做什么。”真的正在发生。” https://t.co/UacRrD06I4 pic.twitter.com/B7PpBMPAJn

- 综艺(@Variety) 2023 年 7 月 14 日

在受到批评后,弗兰开始追击迪士尼首席执行​​官, 鲍勃·艾格 ,他称 WGA 和 SAG-AFTRA 的罢工“令人不安”且不切实际。 “我发现[他的评论]非常令人反感并且脱离现实。积极五音不全,”她告诉 种类 ,如上面的视频所示。 “如果我是那家公司,我会把他锁在门后,永远不让他与任何人谈论这件事,因为很明显,他不知道在努力工作的人们身上到底发生了什么,而这些人却没有获得成功。任何接近他的薪水的地方。高七位数、八位数,他们赚的钱太疯狂了,而且他们不在乎自己是否是中世纪的土地大亨。”

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